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Saturday, July 30, 2011

Cowboys and Aliens (2011)

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  1. I agree: much better than the title lets on. I didn't know about the supporting cast (Clancy Brown, Rockwell, Carradine) so it was a treat to see their names in the opening credits.

  2. While the story of Cowboy and Aliens might not be that great the acting and definitely the visuals is what you'll like about about it. The relationships between the characters are nicely done but some characters don't seem to acknowledge each other almost like they never even notice each other but in the end this is a pretty good film


Saturday, July 30, 2011

Cowboys and Aliens (2011)

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  1. I agree: much better than the title lets on. I didn't know about the supporting cast (Clancy Brown, Rockwell, Carradine) so it was a treat to see their names in the opening credits.

  2. While the story of Cowboy and Aliens might not be that great the acting and definitely the visuals is what you'll like about about it. The relationships between the characters are nicely done but some characters don't seem to acknowledge each other almost like they never even notice each other but in the end this is a pretty good film
